Tuesday, April 20, 2010

That Holy Spirit Thing

Just when I thought that this study of the book of Acts was leading me no closer to an understanding (read: acceptance) of the Holy Spirit, I came across the following little snippet in Preston's Study Bible as a note to Acts 5:3:  "...the Holy Spirit is regarded as God himself present with his people."

And just like that, it makes perfect sense.  Well, as perfect as something so esoteric can be, that is.

While I realize that this particular quote was used within the context of the verse it notates, and that this description is not directly from the Bible, but rather from an interpretation, it stands as the first crystal clear grasp I have gotten on the concept.  So I'm going with it.  I will embrace it fully, this tiny first step of comprehension, and see where it leads me.

'Tis both comforting and humbling.  Comforting to finally be able to read the words 'Holy Spirit' without feeling that twinge of irritation that something is utterly outside my ability to comprehend, and supremely humbling in that if maybe, just maybe, I had thought to actually take the radical step of properly studying the subject, I might have been able to move past my mental block at an earlier time.

Dear Lord: please help me to remember this lesson tomorrow, that a true desire to understand your word will be rewarded with true understanding, and thank you for opening my eyes to see something that had been right there all along.

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