Sunday, May 2, 2010

God is Everywhere

As far as I am concerned, science and religion are not mutually exclusive.  I realize there is a great deal of antagonism that is attributed to the relationship between the two, but I do not subscribe to the theory that only one or the other discipline can be trusted.

Not all Christians think science is Godless, and not all scientists are atheists, but that is as far into the discussion as I care to get.

I do not have an intelligent, well-reasoned, concise answer as to why I believe in God.  I just do.  I always have.  Even during the years when I shunned organized religion and lived, ahem, in a manner not befitting a child of God, I still did not doubt the existence of God.  I just didn't want to have anything to do with Him.  Youth, invincibility, and self-absorption go hand in hand, after all.

A number of my friends are self-professed atheists, and many get agitated just as the mention of God.  So I just don't bring it up usually - my faith, that is.

I have no proof with a capital "P" to back up my beliefs, but I see God everywhere.  I see God in the first daffodil of the season, in the trust of a child, in the sunrise over the ocean on a windy day, in the advances of science, and in the beauty of art.

So how do I know God exists?  Well, I suppose I don't know it on an intellectual level, but I feel it.  I sense God's power and love, and I can't help but think that following the teachings of Jesus, and to attempt to live as Jesus lived, would make the world a better place for all.


  1. Well, I don't (can't scientifically) have any proof with a capitol "P" that God doesn't exist. But, I don't see god anywhere, or feel a need for that anymore. But I can assure you that our feelings about the "first daffodil of the season, in the trust of a child, in the sunrise over the ocean on a windy day, in the advances of science, and in the beauty of art" are very similar if not identical. Rest assured that as an atheist I do not appreciate the world any less because, as far as I know, THIS IS IT.
    Love Ya,

  2. You're a good sport, Dave.

    For the time being, then, we will just let our long-standing mutual admiration be based on the many similarities in our world views, yes? And I'll keep collecting lists of the places I find God in case you ever want to take a look, too.

  3. Beautifully written, Sarah. I believe in God because of what He has done personally in my life. I can't explain it and I can't deny it - though there was a time in my life when I certainly would have tried to do both. He has changed me from the inside out and I am so thankful.

    Have a great week!
